September 13th, 2022 10:50 AM by Ken Morley
With home loans the middle credit score of the 3 major credit bureaus is "King". This number has been referred to as "FICO" score, middle score, or simply your credit score. It will help determine the programs available, the interest rate you pay, and even the amount of monthly mortgage insurance you pay on a conventional loan if purchasing a home with less than 20% down. As you probably already know the higher your score the more favorable terms you'll be offered. This is where the savings can amount to thousands of dollars over the life of your loan. Can you improve your credit score? Yes you can in most cases, by utilizing our FREE Credit Upgrade Program for home loans! Rather than waiting 3 months or longer for your "FICO" to improve we have seen results in as little as 3 business days but each persons situation is different so the time to completion and results may vary. We have had great success so I would encourage anyone with a "FICO" score below 740 to inquire as the savings may be substantial. Simply give me a call at (303) 650-9400! This is a limited time offer.